
Prince Wlademir - Loose

55,00 kr

Prince Wlademir Te

Popular Blend

Prins Wlademir tea is another in the range of Østerlandsk Thehus' popular blends. It consists of only the best teas and is made up of both black and white tea. A lovely combination that makes the tea light but incredibly flavorful. To make the tea fresh and soft, pink grapefruit, raspberry, bergamot, vanilla and marigold flowers have been added.



Beautiful black and white tea with notes of fruit, vanilla and bergamot.



Prins Wlademir tea is a combination of black and white tea. In order to achieve the most optimal taste and retain the tea's good properties as well as vitamins and antioxidants, the steeping time should be 4 min. and 95 degrees hot water is observed.


What is black & white tea

Black tea, like green and white tea, comes from the same tea plant Camellia Sinensis. Black tea is fully fermented, i.e. oxygenated, and is the type of tea that goes through the longest processing process: picking, drying, rolling, fermentation and roasting. For quality tea, only the top, young and dark green top shoots are picked. "Two leaves and a bud" are picked, i.e. two side leaves and the middle top shoot.

White tea is the first young shoots of the tea bush and a delicacy, being harvested only a few days in early spring. White tea differs from both green and black tea in the process that follows the actual picking of the tea leaves. The fresh tea leaves go through a natural drying process. The white tea, like the green tea, is unfermented, which means that the tea leaves do not go through the oxidation process that causes the color of the tea leaves to become dark. Unlike the other teas, the tea leaves are rolled very rarely. Thus it is the characteristic of most white qualities that they are very large-leaved

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